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Web 3.0 and HR - What You Need To Know

As technology continues to rapidly advance and its role in the workplace becomes ever-shifting, human resources have not been spared from its onset. One of the latest technological innovations that is starting to gain traction and be explored by a variety of industries is Web 3.0.

The world and workplace were forever changed by the adoption of Web 2.0, the internet as we know it. And in recent years, we’ve continued to see it grow and advance the way we work and the modern workplace itself. Even in HR, the advancements of Web 2.0 have allowed human resources departments across the globe to keep up with the shifting workplace environment, and job market demands, and facilitate the shift from on-site working to hybrid and remote work being the norm.

Download The Free eBook

What's In This Free eBook?

This ebook we willl be discussing what Web 3.0 is, how it can be used in HR, the challenges it presents, and how to overcome them and begin adopting it in the workplace. Those who have quickly jumped on board this new version of the internet has expressed excitement about its potential and the possibilities it brings. 

Web 3.0 is aimed to be more centered around the idea of ownership, moving control from the big data companies to the masses, and ultimately decentralization of the internet. This means that users can cut out middlemen when transacting business person-to-person. This
is where that blockchain technology from crypto comes into play with Web 3.0. Users will be able to communicate with one another by being a part of a group that’s run by its own community, and data belonging to users will be protected by a network of smart contracts, which will be stored in a blockchain.


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